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Front Rank Miniatures-The Kingdom of Spain

I have long wanted to tackle the Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars, so have decided to start off slowly and to gradually add units of Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery as I research the uniforms and units of this colourful and varied uniformed army. I will have to used different manufacturers and convert figures where necessary. I have a lots of my own research material Osprey books and three uniform books in Spanish from the Spain. I shall begin with the uniforms at the start of the Peninsular War in 1807 through to the conclusion in 1814 with the invasion of France.
Fusilier Battalion of The Princesa Regiment
The figures are Front rank and based on 50mm x 50mm x 2mm wooden bases, the flags are by GMB Designs.
 Grenadier Battalion of The Zamora Regiment
The figures are Front rank and based on 50mm x 50mm x 2mm wooden bases, the flags are by GMB Designs.
Fusilier Battalion of The Valencia Regiment
The figures are Front rank and based on 50mm x 50mm x 2mm wooden bases, the flags are by GMB Designs.



  Catalogne Light Infantry Regiment

The figures are Front rank and based on 50mm x 50mm x 2mm wooden bases, the flags are by GMB Designs.

Catalonian Infantry Regiment 1812
The figures are Front Rank and based on 50mm x 50mm x 2mm wooden bases, the flags are by GMB Designs.
  Irlanda (Irish) Infantry Regiment
There were 3 Irish Regiment in the Spanish army during the Napoleonic Wars the Regimiento de Irlanda,Regimiento de Hibernia & Regimiento de Ultonia.

During the 18th century, Spain's Irish regiments saw service not only in Europe but also in the Americas. As examples, the Irlanda Regiment (raised 1698) was stationed in Havana from 1770 to 1771, the Ultonia Regiment (raised 1709) in Mexico from 1768 to 1771, and the Hibernia Regiment (raised 1709) in Honduras from 1782 to 1783.

At the time of the Napoleonic Wars all three of these Irish infantry regiments still formed part of the Spanish army. Heavy losses and recruiting difficulties diluted the Irish element in these units, although the officers remained of Irish ancestry. The Hibernia Regiment had to be reconstituted with Galician recruits in 1811 and ended the war as an entirely Spanish corps. All three regiments were finally disbanded in 1818 on the grounds that insufficient recruits, whether Irish or other foreigners.





Villaviciosa Dragoon Cavalry Regiment
 The figures are by Front Rank and based on 50mm x 50mm x 2mm wooden bases.

Almansa Dragoon Cavalry Regiment
 The figures are by Front Rank and based on 50mm x 50mm x 2mm wooden bases.

Foot Artillery Battery
 The figures are by Front Rank and based on 80mm x 60mm x 2mm wooden bases.

Horse Artillery Battery
The figures are by Front Rank and based on 80mm x 60mm x 2mm wooden bases.

Royal Corps of Artillery Battery
 The figures are by Front Rank and based on 80mm x 60mm x 2mm wooden bases.



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