Front Rank Miniatures-Wurttemberg


I will be undertaking a new project to paint the army of The Kingdom of Wurttemberg, I will be using the excellent Front Rank range of sculpts for this project. I will include Infantry, cavalry and Artillery with some command bases.
When the Grand Duke of Wurttemberg, Frederic II, entered into the confederation of the Rhine in 1806, he was rewarded by Napoleon with an enlargement of his territory and with the honour of Royal dignity. As compensation, he had to support the policies of Napoleon. For this reason the Wurttemberg Army had to be enlarged. First, the six existing infantry battalions were brought up to regimental strength by adding a second battalion. In 1806, the Fusilier Regiment Von Neubronn was created using the Garrison Battalion and conscripts. In august 1809, the Infantry Regiment Von Scharfenstein was formed from infantry depots. Finally in 1810, The Fusilier Battalion Von Etzdorf was established with the help of the dissolved Land battalions. It was enlarged to regimental strength in 1811, then becoming Infantry Regiment No.9.
The Wurttemberg Infantry Regiments saw action against the Prussians in 1806-1807 and against the Austrians in 1809. In 1812, all of the Infantry Regiments with the exception of the 8th and 9th Regiments were involved in the Russian campaign. They formed the 25th Division in the 3rd Army Corps and were commanded by Marshal Ney. Very few men returned hone from that fatal campaign. In 1813, the Regiments had to be completely rebuilt with conscripts.
The Infantry
All figures are Front rank figures based on 50mm x 50mm x 2mm wooden bases with GMB Design flags.

1st Prinz Paul Infantry Regiment



2nd Hurzog Wilhelm Regiment

6th Kronprinz Infantry Regiment 
5th Prinz Friedrich Infantry Regiment

4th Franquemont Infantry Regiment


 9th Infantry Regiment
Light Infantry Regiment
Jager Infantry Regiment 
5th Cavalry Regiment Crown Prince Dragoons
In 1809 a cavalry regiment names 'Dragoon Regiment Crown Prince' (Kronprinz) was formed from the depots of the Wurttemberg cavalry units. When in 1811 the regiments were numbered it was given the number 5. During the battle of Leipzig in 1813 the Wurttemberg cavalry brigade Normenn with the 2nd Regiment (Lieb-Chevaulegers) and the 4th Regiment (Jager Regiment King/Konig) changed sides and went over to the allies. Both regiments were disbanded and the Crown Prince Dragoons received their new number 3. In 1815 the unit was transformed into a Jager regiment and in 1816 it absorbed two squadrons of the disbanded Jager Regiment No.5.During the Russian campaign of 1812 the Crown Prince Dragoons stayed in Wurttemberg and saw military action only in the campaigns against France of 1814 and 1815.
When the regiment was raised the uniform consisted of a green coat with white facings and red piping, white trousers and high cavalry boots. The shako had a green corpse and white metal decorations. Front and neck visors were attached. In 1813 the dragoon muskets were replaced with lighter carbines. With the 1815 transformation to a jager regiment the coat tails were shortened and lace decorations were attached to collar and cuffs. The trousers changed to green colour and hussar style boots were introduced. The white leather belts probably changed to black ones. Sources show both possibilities.
The NCO's had silver lace on their collars and cuffs (double lace for master-sergeants/Wachmeister). The master-sergeants had an additional silver lace framing on the lapels until 1815.The standard is still in existance today.

 1st Prince Adams Chevau Leger Regiment

Originally a single regiment was formed in 1798 from a reorganization of the cavalry regiments, though not officially designated as Chevauxleger until 1802, by which time it comprised of 5 squadrons. In 1805 the first or lieb squadron was taken to form the nucleus of a second regiment with both regiments official strength being four squadrons each with two companies of an approximate establishment of 100 other ranks plus officers and appointed ranks.

Jager-Regiment zu Pferd Konig



  1. Beautiful work! I love the Wurttemberg uniforms and flags.

  2. Hi - I just sent you a message via eBay. If you could drop me a line back (guinny at gmail..., or mark.owen at, or you can text me on 07907 494429) I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!



  5. i have what you have front rank i too am doing this army thank you...for this well done
