The Kingdom of Naples Under Murat

I will be painting some of the Neapolitan units that took part in the Russian campaign, the problem is research material which is a little sketchy but it is out there. Murat's Neapolitans were famed for their flambouyant uniforms and poor military quality. The first unit is the 6th Infantry Regiment "Real Napoli".
On the 26th of September, 1809 Joachim Murat, King of Naples, ordered the formation of a city guard regimentfor his capital Naples (Reggimento della Guardia Municipale della Citta di Napoli). The unit was based on the city guards of Peris and Milano. Its organizational strength was 2965 men and it was organized like a line infantry regiment with three battalions. Each battalion had one grenadier, one voltigeur, and four fusilier companies. One squadron of mounted chasseurs of 266 men was attached to the regiment. Their pay was 1/3 more then for standard line troops.
The regiment was garrisoned in Naples and provided guard and police duties for the city. The six elite companies were to be combined to form a field battalion in case of war. The cadres of the 2nd Light Infantry Regiment who were from Naples and were between the ages of 30 and 45 years old and were married were enlisted. Volunteers of the National Guard of the whole country and retires military personnel aged between 30 and 45 years old who were still serviceable were also accepted. Some foreigners (Polish, Dutch and Russian) and about 50 conscripts, against the Kings orders, were enlisted to fill out the Regiment.
On the 5th of October 1810 the Naples City Guard was disbanded and the 1st and 2nd Battalions formed the core of the new 6th Infantry Regiment. This regiment was awarded the title "Real Napoli". On December 31 1810 it had a strength of 1779 men. A provincial company (Compania Provinciale di Napoli) was raised from the men of the 3rd Battalion. The mounted squadron formed the core of a new cavalry regiment of light horse (Reggimento Cavallegeri). In 1812 the regiment was part of the Neapolitan division which was sent to Germany to take part in the Russian campaign. Thier uniform and equipment were of French design in Neapolitan colours.
The figures are Front Rank conversions based on 50mm x 50mm wooden bases.  
6th "Real Napoli" Infantry Regiment